How do I cancel my booking? (for guests)

Will I get a refund if I cancel my booking?

If your booking was accepted by the owner less than 24 hours ago, and your stay is at least 60 days away, our cooling-off period applies and your booking will be refunded in full.
If it’s been over 24 hours since your booking was accepted, please check the owner’s cancellation policy before cancelling, which outlines the cancellation conditions and indicates whether you should expect a refund.
If you cancel a trip due to extenuating circumstances (medical conditions, family bereavement, etc.), we recommend getting in touch with your travel insurance provider for guidance on the necessary documents to support your claim.
Please note that the booking fee is non-refundable, as stated in the cancellation policy.
By cancelling, you are subject to the conditions of the owner’s cancellation policy and the traveller Terms of use, which include our Chargeback policy.
For more details, visit Manage my booking or your Rental Inbox.

How do I cancel my booking?
Select Cancel booking on the Manage my booking or Rental Inbox page. Once you’ve cancelled your booking, you’ll receive a confirmation email.
If you didn’t book through our sites, you’ll need to contact the property owner or manager directly to cancel your booking.

Need to edit your booking?
If you need to make a change to your booking, including editing the dates or number of guests, you don’t have to cancel. Contact the owner with your request by using the Edit booking button or sending them a message in Manage my booking or through your Rental Inbox, they might be able to make the changes online.

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