What is TripAdvisor's guest booking fee?

Guests pay a booking fee when booking vacation homes on TripAdvisor Rentals and its family of sites (FlipKey, Holiday Lettings, Niumba, HouseTrip and Vacation Home Rentals). This helps meet some of the costs of running our websites, including:

  • making sure your transactions are secure
  • developing the websites and improving user experience
  • providing owners and travellers with 24-hour customer support
If you pay for your rental through our platform, you also benefit from TripAdvisor’s Payment Protection policy.

How is the booking fee calculated?

The booking fee is a percentage of the total rental cost (not including refundable damage deposits or taxes applied by the owner). The fee is variable and ranges from 8% to 16% for the majority of bookings, but can be slightly lower in some cases.

What happens to the booking fee if a booking is cancelled?


  • If the owner cancels the booking, you’ll receive a full refund of the amount you’ve paid so far. This includes the booking fee.
  • If you cancel the booking, the owner’s cancellation policy applies and the booking fee won’t be refunded. To see your cancellation policy, simply go to Manage my holiday booking and enter your booking reference number.
  • If you cancel the booking, the owner’s cancellation policy applies and the booking fee won’t be refunded. To see your cancellation policy, simply go to your Rental inbox.

Note: If you cancel the booking within the 24-hour cooling off period, you’ll receive a full refund of the amount you’ve paid so far. This includes the booking fee.

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